Deploy a Smart Contract on SOON(Hello World)

Please ensure that all necessary development environments and dependencies are properly installed and configured.

To help developers get started with the SOON Network, we’ve provided a simple "Hello World" example that demonstrates how to deploy a basic Solana program. The project is hosted on GitHub, and you can clone it and follow the steps to deploy it on the SOON Devnet.

The example repository can be found here:

Hello World on SOON GitHub Repository

Follow the steps below to clone the repository, build the project, and deploy it to the SOON Network.

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the hello-world example repository to your local machine:

git clone

Change into the project directory:

cd hello-world

2. Build the Project

Navigate to the Rust program directory and build the project:

cd example-hello-world/src/program-rust
cargo build-sbf

3. Set Up the RPC URL for SOON Devnet

Before deploying the program, configure the Solana CLI to use the SOON Devnet RPC endpoint. This ensures that your program is deployed and interacts with the correct blockchain network.

Make sure you have enough SOL to deploy the contract.

If you don't have the SOL and Sepolia ETH, go to our faucet to get them.

If you have got the Sepolia ETH, go to SOON Devnet bridge to bridge in.

If you have configured that and had SOL already, you can skip this step.

solana config set --url

4. Deploy the Program

After setting up the RPC and building the project, you can now deploy the program to the SOON Network. The deployment command will take the compiled Solana program and upload it to the blockchain.

Run the following command to deploy the "Hello World" program:

solana program deploy ./target/deploy/

This command deploys the compiled program binary ( to the SOON Devnet. Once deployed, you can interact with the program on the SOON Devnet.

Last updated