SOON Devnet Explorer

Please visit SOON Devnet Explorer to view your transaction, address, blocks, and more.

SOON Devnet Explorer link:

Overview of SOON Devnet Explorer

On the homepage of Explorer, you can view key information about the SOON Devnet, including the circulating supply of tokens, active staking data, real-time blockchain status (such as block height, slot time, and epoch progress), and transaction statistics (like total transactions and transactions per second). These details help users monitor the network's health and performance.

  • You can use the search bar at the top of the page to look up specific information related to blocks, accounts, transactions, programs, and tokens on the SOON Devnet. This allows you to quickly access detailed data on specific blocks, addresses, or other relevant entities within the network.

  • For example, when you deposit your ETH you can search your address on SVM wallet and check your balance of SOL.


In this page, you can view the detailed supply information of SOON Devnet.

Transaction Inspector

This page is the "Transaction Inspector" for the SOON Devnet. It allows users to decode and view detailed information about specific transactions by pasting a base64 encoded transaction message. The page also provides instructions for generating this encoded message using CLI, Rust, or JavaScript, making it a useful tool for developers analyzing or debugging transactions.

Last updated