
Roadmap for SOON

The roadmap for SOON outlines our strategic milestones and key engineering tasks, aimed at enhancing the platform's capabilities and user experience.

SOON Client

  • Implement Merklization

  • SOON Node

  • SOON Batcher

  • SOON Proposer

Native Bridge

  • Deposit Program

  • Derivation Framework

  • Withdrawal Program

  • Withdrawal Proof

DA Layer Integration

  • Data Attestation


  • Testing Environment: Setting up a development network for testing new features and improvements in a controlled environment.

Fraud Proof

  • SVM Engine Extraction

  • SVM Emulation

  • Interactive Challenge: Implementing interactive challenge mechanisms to verify the correctness of transactions and state changes.


  • Public Testing Network: Launching a test network for public testing and community feedback. This step allows the broader community to test and provide feedback on new features and updates.

Open Sourced RPC Service

  • Modular: Creating a modular RPC service for flexible and scalable interactions with the network.

  • Low Latency: Optimizing the RPC service to ensure low latency and high performance.

  • Public Good: Ensuring the RPC service is accessible and beneficial to the broader community. Making this service a public good promotes widespread adoption and support for the network.


  • Launch: Deploying the fully functional mainnet for public use.

SOON Stack

  • SOON RaaS SDK: Developing an SDK for the RaaS (Rollup as a Service) to support developers in building applications on the SOON network.


  • ZK Proof: Integrating zero-knowledge proof mechanisms to enhance security.

  • Firedancer: Integrating the Firedancer client.

Last updated